The Temple of Imperial Cult, built during the Roman period, holds great historical significance and is considered an architectural marvel of its time. In this blog post, we will delve into the history, architecture, and significance of the Temple of Imperial Cult in Lindos, Rhodes.

Importance of the temple as a historical and cultural site

The Temple of Imperial Cult in Lindos, Rhodes, is a testament to the ancient civilization’s sophistication and architectural prowess. It is a reflection of the cultural, social, and political ethos of the Roman Empire.

The temple’s construction began in AD 284 during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, who was revered as a deity. The purpose of the temple was to honour him and worship him as a god. The temple’s historical and cultural importance is evident from the fact that it is still standing today, almost two millennia after its construction.

Background context of the temple’s construction and purpose

The Temple of Imperial Cult in Lindos, Rhodes, is a unique blend of Greek and Roman architectural styles. The temple was constructed during the Hellenistic period, a time when Greek and Roman civilizations coexisted.

The temple’s design features a Roman podium surmounted by a Greek-style temple. This fusion of architectural styles and cultures is what makes the Temple of Imperial Cult in Lindos, Rhodes, an important and unique landmark in the ancient world.

Historical and Architectural Features

The Temple of Imperial Cult in Lindos, Rhodes, boasts of several architectural features that make it stand out. The most notable feature is the podium of the temple, which is made of polished marble. The temple’s outer columns are made of pink granite and are decorated with Corinthian capitals. The entablature of the temple is decorated with fine carvings and reliefs that depict scenes from the life of Emperor Diocletian. Significance of the temple as an example of the blending of Greek and Roman architectural styles: The Temple of Imperial Cult in Lindos, Rhodes, is a prime example of the blending of Greek and Roman architectural styles. The temple’s design features a Roman podium surmounted by a Greek-style temple, which reflects the cultural and architectural fusion of Roman and Greek civilizations.

image showing Lindos Temple of the Imperial Cult 2

Purpose and Significance

The Temple of Imperial Cult in Lindos, Rhodes, was built to honour Emperor Diocletian and establish him as a god in the hopes of securing his favour and protection. The temple was part of an imperial cult that was prevalent during the Roman period. The emperor was worshipped as a divine being, and the imperial cult was an essential element of Roman religion. The temple’s influence on the development of sacred architecture in the ancient world: The Temple of Imperial Cult in Lindos, Rhodes, had a significant influence on the development of sacred architecture in the ancient world. The fusion of Greek and Roman architectural styles that the temple embodies became a hallmark feature of imperial architecture across the Roman Empire. Its design set the precedent for future constructions, and numerous temples were built across the empire using similar architectural designs.

Destruction and Preservation

The Temple of Imperial Cult in Lindos Acropolis, suffered extensive damage during the Byzantine and Knights Hospitaller medieval periods. The temple’s destruction was the result of several factors, including the shifting religious ideologies and military conflicts. Restoration and preservation efforts by archaeologists and historians have helped preserve the temple to date.

Future plans for the temple’s restoration and maintenance

The Temple of Imperial Cult in Lindos, Rhodes, is a significant historical and cultural landmark that requires continued restoration and maintenance efforts. The local authorities, along with archaeologists and historians, recognize its importance and continue to make efforts to restore and preserve this magnificent structure.


The Temple of Imperial Cult in Lindos, Rhodes, is a prime example of the cultural and architectural fusion of Greek and Roman civilizations. Its design is a testament to the technical expertise, innovation, and creativity that characterized the ancient world. The temple’s complex history, significance, and architectural features make it an important tourist attraction and an essential part of Rhodian heritage. As more visitors discover the Temple of Imperial Cult in Lindos, Rhodes, its significance will continue to be reinforced and contribute to the appreciation of ancient civilizations.