The Original Wall

The mid-6th century BC fortification wall of Lindos Acropolis was originally built to protect the city from invaders. The wall was primarily composed of limestone blocks and poros, a local volcanic stone. These two materials were used to create a wall that was thick enough to repel attacks effectively. The wall was almost 2 meters wide and 6 meters tall, making it difficult for the Persians to penetrate during the Greco-Persian Wars of 490 BC.

The Hellenistic Wall

In the 3rd century BC, the original wall was replaced with a new perimeter wall, the Hellenistic wall. This new wall was designed to be more advanced, utilizing newer construction techniques and materials. The wall featured alternating poros stretchers and headers, courses of equal height, and additional poros slabs used to fill the structure.

Rectangular pillars within the wall provided reinforcement. The Hellenistic wall also had two towers constructed at the north-west and north-east corners. These advancements in design and construction were necessary due to the development of new tools and siege machinery.

Minor Repairs

Poplius Aelius Agetor was an architect who made minor repairs to the fortification wall of the Acropolis in the late 2nd century AD. These repairs were essential to maintaining the wall’s stability and keeping the Acropolis of Lindos safe from potential threats.


The fortification wall of the Acropolis of Lindos played an integral role in Greek history and culture. Its construction and design evolved over time to fit the needs of its defenders, with the most significant advancements made during the construction of the Hellenistic wall. The maintenance and repairs made to the wall over the centuries ensured its longevity.

Today, tourists from all over the world come to marvel at the stunning citadel and its impressive fortification. The Acropolis of Lindos remains a vital cultural landmark that bears witness to the ingenuity and skill of ancient architects and engineers.